Impression Xcode 1.5 
XcodeXcode vient de subir une cure de jouvence. Cette nouvelle version des outils de développement made in Apple est numérotée 1.5
Alors quelles sont les nouveautés ?

  • Xcode 1.5 is the current version of Apple's Integrated Development Environment.
    Xcode 1.5 highlights include :
    1. Dead-code stripping.
    2. Remote debugging.
    3. Code completion for Java and AppleScript.
    4. Subversion source-code control system support.
    5. Native build system support for AppleScript.
    6. Enhanced debugger with a memory browser, globals browser, and ability to display file static variables.
    7. Faster Editor Performance.
    8. Ant templates.
    9. Documentation bookmarks.
    10. Speed improvements.

    After installation, Release Notes containing detailed information on changes can be found in :
    /Developer/ADC Reference Library/releasenotes/DeveloperTools
    You can access the release notes from Xcode’s Help menu using the Show Release Notes menu item.

  • Documentation :
    Updates to gcc 3.3 in this release include compilation speed enhancements and making the -fast flag more robust. For more information about all the changes made in gcc 3.3, see
    /Developer/ADC Reference Library/releasenotes/DeveloperTools/GCC3.html

  • gcc 3.3 :
    The developer documentation has been moved from
    /Developer/Documentation to /Developer/ADC Reference Library, and no longer includes PDF versions of the documents. PDF is still available for download from the ADC website.
    See the Documentation release notes for details.

  • Java Development :
    • If you are doing Java development, make sure you have the latest Java software update (currently Java 1.4.2) and after installing Xcode Tools, install the latest Java Developer Tools. You can find the latest Java Developer Tools at
    • Ant support : Ant is now installed in /Developer/Java/Ant and is referenced in the following new Xcode templates : Ant-based Application jar, Ant-based Empty Project, and Ant-based Java Library.

  • Java Application Servers Development :
    The Java Application Servers Development Kit is not included as a custom install option with this release. If you are upgrading an existing Xcode Tools configuration which includes the Ant, XDoclet-based and J2EE project templates, and JBoss, they will be left in place. An updated installer that includes these components is available as a separate item from the Apple Developer Connection.

  • CHUD 3.5 :
    The Computer Hardware Understanding Developer Tools (CHUD Tools) are a set of applications and tools for measuring and optimizing software performance on Mac OS X, as well as for hardware bring-up and system benchmarking. They are an optional installation, selected during the install process using the "Customize" button. Xcode Tools v1.5 includes CHUD v3.5.2.
    For more information, see

  • Carbon Tools :
    Fixes have been made to some of the tools provided for Carbon development.
    For more information, please see the Carbon Tools release notes in the ADC Reference Library, accessible from the Xcode documentation window.

Vous pouvez télécharger cette version en vous inscrivant à l'ADC. C'est gratuit. 
Posté le : Ven. - Août 6, 2004 à 01:30 AM

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