Impression Mise à jour : Mac OS X 10.3.7 Serveur 
Mise à Jour PantherComme pour la version client, Apple, via le module de mise à jour des logiciels, propose une nouvelle révision de (Mac OS X Serveur). Estampillée du numéro 10.3.7, cette mise à jour apporte de nombreuses améliorations.

Vous pouvez aussi télécharger cette mise à jour directement sur le site d'Apple
Alors quelles sont les nouveautés et améliorations apportées par cette mise à jour :

Delivers enhanced functionality and improved reliability for Mac OS X Server v10.3 and is recommended for all systems.

Key enhancements include:
  • improved AFP support for saving documents with long file names
  • improved OpenGL technology and updated ATI and NVIDIA graphics drivers
  • improved FireWire device compatibility
  • updated Preview application
  • improved compatibility for third party applications
  • previous standalone security updates.

For detailed information on this Update, please visit this website :

For detailed information on Security Updates, please visit this website

Vous pouvez télécharger directement cette mise à jour ici :

Mac OS X Server Update 10.3.7 :

Mac OS X Server Combined Update 10.3.7 :

En détail, voici les nouveautés (en anglais) :

About the Mac OS X Server 10.3.7 Update

This software updates Mac OS X Server version 10.3.6 to version 10.3.7.

Important: Read Before Installing

  1. An administrator account password that does not contain spaces or Option-keyed characters is required to install. The password may not be blank. If your password must be changed, follow these steps: Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu. Choose Accounts from the View menu. Select an Admin account and click Edit User. Type your current password, and press Return. Change the password, and click OK.
  2. You may experience unexpected results if you have installed third-party system software modifications, or if you have modified the operating system through other means. This precautionary statement does not apply to the normal installation of application software.
  3. The installation process should not be interrupted. Monitor progress by clicking the Detailed Progress disclosure triangle. If a power outage or other interruption occurs during installation, use the standalone installer (see below) from Apple Software Downloads to install.
  4. This update can be installed on non-startup volumes, but that should be done only when the current startup volume has already been updated to Mac OS X Server 10.3.7. The simplest way to avoid issues from an improper installation is to start up from the volume that you wish to update.


There are two ways to update to Mac OS X Server 10.3.7: Software Update and Standalone Installer.

Software Update Installation

You may have been referred to this document by Software Update. For more information on this feature, see How to Update Your Software.

Because some updates are prerequisites for others, you may need to use Software Update more than once to get all available updates.

Standalone Installer

An installer is also available from Apple Featured Software.

The Mac OS X Server 10.3.7 Update is specifically for updating version 10.3.6. There is also a "combo" installer available, which will update any 10.3.x version to 10.3.7.

Remote Installation

If you need to install the update on a remotely located computer, you can do so using either the Server Admin application or the "softwareupdate" command-line tool. Choose the method that works best for you.


This update includes the same changes that are found in the standard Mac OS X 10.3.7 Update. Though these items are not server-specific, they are relevant in a server environment:
  • Filenames longer than 31 characters are no longer shortened when the file is saved on a server via Apple File Sharing.
  • Resolves an issue in which Safari, Mail, and other networking applications that use DNS lookups could experience intermittent connectivity issues with Security Update 2004-09-30 and Mac OS X 10.3.5 or later installed.
  • Resolves an issue that prevented printing to some Windows-based print servers.
Posté le : Jeu. - Décembre 16, 2004 à 12:15 AM

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