Voici une petite mise à jour proposée par l'auteur de
Fast DVD Copy. Cette mise à jour mineure corrige quelques bogs. Cette nouvelle version est donc disponible avec le numéro
Voici la liste des corrections
UpdatesFast DVD Copy
version 3.5.1Release date :
March 10, 2005Click on
the download Fast DVD Copy icon above to download version
If you own a licensed (serialized) version, you
will be requested to re-enter your Serial Number when you upgrade to v.
You do not need to enter your Unlocker Code again.
If you need your serial number to be sent to you, click here.
new in version 3.5.1
Improved DVD ROM copying.
Minor bug corrections.
Improved compatiblity with home DVD players.
A new free-trial burn is allowed in this version. If you previously requested a
trial mode serial number, use this serial number for the new burn.
If you
need us to re-send your trial mode serial number,
Posté le : Jeu. - Mars 10, 2005 à 09:53 PM