L'auteur de
Fast DVD Copy continue à améliorer son superbe logiciel qui je le rappel permet de réduire la taille d'un film pour qu'il soit contenu sur un DVD de 4.7Go. Cette nouvelle version est numérotée
Pour les changements et améliorations, ils sont listés
UpdatesFast DVD Copy
version 3.5Release date :
February 14, 2005Click on
the download Fast DVD Copy icon above to download version 3.5.
you own a licensed (serialized) version, you will be requested to
re-enter your Serial Number when you upgrade to v.
You do not need to enter your Unlocker Code again.
If you need your serial number to be sent to you, click here.
new in version
A "Movie Only" function has been added to copy DVDs without bonuses or menus.
The preferences panel has been changed to integrate the new "Movie Only" function.
Audio or subtitle tracks can be deleted to improve copy quality.
An issue with ARccOS protection has been fixed.
RCE protection handling has been fixed
A random crash in Step 2 has been fixed.
A new free-trial burn is allowed in this version. If you previously requested a
trial mode serial number, use this serial number for the new burn.
If you
need us to re-send your trial mode serial number,
Posté le : Lun. - Février 14, 2005 à 05:07 PM