Impression VLC 0.8.4 test 1 
VLCLes gentils développeurs du célèbre lecteur multimedia VLC viennent de rendre disponible une nouvelle version de leur logiciel. Cette nouvelle mouture est une version test, et elle est numérotée 0.8.4 test 1
Voici les principaux changements et nouveautés :

NEWS 12689 2005-09-26 18:45:44Z dionoea

Changes between 0.8.2 and 0.8.4-svn (not yet released):

Core support:
* Internal strings handling is now UTF-8 based
* New OSD system

Video output:
* Fixed problems with OpenGL output
* New --monitor-aspect-ratio option

* Improved DVB support for satellite bands other than Ku-band
* IPv6 and Extended passive mode support for FTP
* IPv6 Source Specific Multicast support
* GnomeVFS input module

* Support for libSDL_image to import different image types

Services discovery:
* UPnP service discovery
* Bonjour service discovery using avahi

Video Filters:
* RSS feed overlay

Stream output:
* New shout output module to forward streams to icecast servers
* Fixed several SAP and SDP announcement bugs

* Mac OS X
- New streaming and transcoding wizard
- New extended controls panel
- New bookmarks window
- Fixed playlist sorting
- Fixed drag-and-drop inside the playlist
* wxWidgets
- Rename wxWindows interface in wxWidgets.
- All the --wxwin-* options are now --wx-*
- VLC update checker
* Skins2
- Tree playlist
- New RPN functions to control VLC features (see play-howto)
- Facilities to correctly handle non-ASCII characters and spaces in
the names of files
- Include macro to include other files
- CGI 1.0 support

ActiveX plugin:
* Should now work outside IE as well

The following languages were added:
* Korean
* Romanian

En attendant la version finale, vous pouvez déjà tester cette version.

Informations techniques :
Nom : VLC
Version : 0.8.4 test 1
Licence : Freeware
Auteur : VideoLan
Internet : VideoLan
Téléchargement : vlc-0.8.4-test1.dmg (16,5Mo)
Posté le : Mar. - Septembre 27, 2005 à 07:23 PM

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