Impression MacTheRipper 2.6 
MacTheRipperMacTheRipper vient de subir une révision majeure. Un grand saut de la 2.0.2 à maintenant la version 2.6.  
Mais pourquoi ce grand saut ?

17 décembre 2004. Quoi de neuf :
  • Added the ability to extract DVDs with ARccOS copy protection, along with new Full Disc and Main Feature modes for those discs
  • Added the ability to handle VOBs with bad sectors, which get padded with dummy data, and notify the user at the end of extraction that read errors were encountered
  • Added bad cell detection in Title Only and Title - Chapter modes, so they automatically get skipped; useful for ARccOS DVDs
  • Added the ability to demux elementary streams in Title Only and Title Ð Chapter modes, along with the ability to choose which streams will get extracted
  • Removed deprecated preferences
  • Fixed large crashing bug that occurs if the user chooses Title Only extraction, and then immediately chooses another mode
  • Fixed a bug in Non-PGC Title Only and Title Ð Chapter modes where the output would be incorrect
  • Fixed a crashing bug on certain DVDs with particular IFO issues
  • Reduced the amount of UI updates during extraction to hopefully reduce the amount of crashes on certain computers, namely dual-processor Macs
  • Improved progress bar accuracy
  • Removed 'Real Time' prescan option in the preferences, as Pre Scan is required for certain functions to work properly now, including ARccOS detection and chapter extraction

Informations techniques :
Nom : MacTheRipper
Version : 2.6
Licence : Freeware
Internet : MacTheRipper
Téléchargement : mactheripper26.dmg (1,1Mo)
Posté le : Lun. - Décembre 20, 2004 à 01:22 AM

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