Il y a beaucoup de temps déjà, j'avais parlé ici même d'un superbe logiciel permettant de dessiner votre futur réseau de train électrique, le votre, ou celui du fiston éventuellement. Ce précédent article se trouve ici :
RailModeller 2.1. Je reviens donc pour vous indiquer que des nouvelles versions ont vu le jour depuis, et que
RailModeller (c'est le nom du logiciel), arrive en version
Petit rappel, et pas des moindres, ce soft tourne sur
Mac OS 8.6 à
Panther, ce qui n'est pas négligeable.
Que c'est-il donc passé depuis la version 2.1
Changes in Version 2.2.3RailModeller
Page Setup settings are saved with worksheets
Full screen option for 3D mode
Texture for border-box can be turned off for Macs with slow graphics hardware
Improved "Flextrack Properties" / "Bend To Straight" / "Bend To Curved" dialogs
Fixed a problem with the Chicago font on some Mac OS X systems, Default font is now Geneva
Changes in Version 2.2.2RailModeller
Markers for "Connect with flextrack" were not displayed
Wrong initial library was loaded to the Railset Palette if no default library was chosen
Manual wasn't found in the new "Documents" folder when opened from RailModeller or Railset Editor
Fixed display of flextracks in 3D mode
Fixed wrong color settings of text-objects in printouts and file previews
Manual enhanced and updated
Changes in Version 2.2.1RailModeller
Worksheets Documents can be opened by dragging the files to the worksheet window
Default font for text elements can now be customized
Display of worksheet location in worksheet info
Improved display of rulers and fixed a bug when displaying Feet units
Fixed a drawing bug were text on 8.6/9.x could overwrite the window scrollbars
Fixed possible crash on 8.6/9.x with zoom-popup menu
Fixed a bug with elements sometimes displayed in wrong colors in 3D view
Fixed a bug with misplaced text in 3D view
Undo after 3D view could cause a crash
Minor user-interface enhancements
Fixed several minor bugs
Railset Editor
New controls for more convenient editing of component angle and position
Minor user-interface enhancements
Changes in Version 2.2RailModeller
New functions for creating groups of elements
Text elements can be rotated to arbitrary angles
Flextracks can be bend parametrically to any straight or curved track
"Connect with Flextrack" can now use flextracks from libraries
New alternative pattern for selected elements
New option for drawing Element-Name with outlines
Support for Pound Sterling (£), Swiss Franc (CHF), Swedish Krona (SEK), Yen (JPY)
New shortcut for scrolling the worksheet
Support midrail for authentic 3-rail tracks
Default width and height for worksheets can be set in the preferences
Online-Help in preferences added (Tooltip for every option)
New 3D Textures: Lawn, Sand 1, Sand 2
Text is now displayed as a texture using the correct font in 3D view
Optimized display of textures in 3D view and cosmetic enhancements
Native support for scrollwheels (Mac OS X only)
Added Undo/Redo for Prefix, Elementname Display, Grid
Improved hierarchical directory structure for "Railsets" folder
Enabled copy and paste between Railset Editor and RailModeller
Dragging single elements with quits the application
Recent Menu items starting with a hyphen were not displayed
Creating 90-degree flextracks sometimes didn't work in Connect with Flextrack
Fixed a cosmetic flaw in Connect with Flextrack with very distant joints
Fixed an error where dragged elements would sometimes not snap
Element-order was reversed for canceled drag&drop operations
Particular elements (e.g. turntables) sometimes failed to connect
Fixed a bug in the "Move Selection" Dialog
Correction of several translations
Fixed mixed linebreak style in exported partlists
Fixed a few memory leaks
Fixed various issues with Mac OS 8.6
Fixed several minor bugs
Railset Editor
New "Polygon-Tool" function: Scale, Merge, Mirror X/Y, Round
Improved polygon and line macros
Introduced Cut/Copy/Paste for elements and components
Support midrail for authentic 3-rail tracks
Support for 00-Gauge (1:76)
Support for Pound Sterling, Swiss Franc, Swedish Krona, Yen
Improved railset comparison function
New Minimal List View Zoom preferences option
Native support for scrollwheels (Mac OS X only)
Rulers always started at 100% despite default zoom setting
Recent Menu items starting with a hyphen were not displayed
Fixed sorting in comparison dialog
Fixed error when calling the Curved Turnout macro twice
Fixed various issues with Mac OS 8.6
Posté le : Mar. - Février 8, 2005 à 01:37 AM