Impression RailModeller 2.3 [MAJ] 
RailModellerPrésenté par un article ici même, il y a quelque temps, voici que MacRailSoft vient de rendre disponible une nouvelle mise à jour de son logiciel RailModeller. Pour mémoire, ce logiciel permet de dessiner son futur circuit ferroviaire. Il dispose d'une importante base de donnée au niveau des différentes marques de rails et autres accessoires de voies et dans toutes les echelles disponibles. Cette nouvelle version est numérotée 2.3.

Je viens de remettre à jour la liste des améliorations et corrections.
Que propose donc cette nouvelle mouture ?

Changes in Version 2.3
  • Layouts can be up to 1000m x 1000m (3280ft x 3280ft)
  • Zoomlevels of up to 500 % for editing, exporting and printing
  • New Color Palette
  • The Railset Palette can optionally be displayed horizontally beneath the worksheet window
  • New category filter in the Railset Palette
  • Railsets can be dynamically sorted in the Railset Palette by several modes
  • Improved appearance and readability of the Railset Palette controls
  • New categories: Slot Car, Digital/Electric, Symbols
  • New Colorize Selection menu item
  • Elements can be drawn outlined, without fill color
  • Optionally display product number and description in the Info-Window
  • New 10% setting for element name text size
  • Added support for Danish Krone (DKK)
  • New "Dark Grey / White" worksheet color scheme
  • The grid can be displayed in 3D view
  • 3D view can be controlled via numeric keypad and cursor keys
  • Improved automated layout of palette windows via Cleanup Windows for more effective use of screen real estate
  • Internal printing architecture completely rewritten to allow much larger printouts and to consume less memory and CPU
  • Optionally display the coordinate for each page of a printout for easier assembly of the pages
  • Pressing while dragging elements inside the worksheet limits the movement to the horizontal or vertical axis
  • Default worksheet dimensions in the preferences would sometimes round user input to incorrect values when using inch or feet
  • Improved display of text elements in the 3D view (especially for large worksheets)
  • "Cleanup Windows" better recognizes switched screen resolutions
  • Automated search for a registered older release on the local harddrive to automatically unlock the new release using an existing license key

    Railset Editor
  • Elements can be imported from SVG files
  • Direct entry of polygon-point made more convenient for more than 10 points
  • New "Scale Element" dialog for elements without track components
  • New options to ask for confirmation when deleting elements and/or components
  • Added support for Danish Krone (DKK)
  • New option to sorting railsets automatically by type
  • Optionally display the polygon point index of the currently edited polygon component as a tooltip

Pour télécharger cette nouvelle version, c'est juste ci-dessous, juste après quoi !

Informations techniques :
Nom : RailModeller
Version : 2.3
Licence : Shareware 30,00€
Internet : RailModeller -- Model Railroad Trackplanning Software For Mac OS
Téléchargement : RailModeller2.3.dmg (6,7Mo)
Posté le : Lun. - Novembre 21, 2005 à 09:59 PM

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